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Rosemarie Penner
Suspended Chords: An Easy Way to Sound More Advanced
December 5, 2023
Adding suspended chords can quickly take a simple song and make it sound more advanced. And it doesn't require years…
Putting Major And Minor Chords Together – Part 2
November 14, 2023
There's one chord progression that appears in a lot of wedding music. One SONG in particular tends to be popular…
How To Put Major + Minor Chords Together – Part 1
November 7, 2023
In Western music we rely heavily on chords to fill out or build songs. But, can Major and minor chords…
Finding C, D, And E On ANY Piano
September 26, 2023
Finding notes on the keyboard can be easy with some fantastic landmarks to help you out. Thankfully the piano is…
What Is The Musical Alphabet On The Piano?
September 19, 2023
The musical alphabet is a fast way to talk about the 88 keys on the piano. And, it’s WAY shorter…
How To Play Black Keys On The Piano (For Beginners)
September 12, 2023
Black key groups on the piano are more than just a beginner piano student concept. They're something that EVERY piano…
Why Piano Registration Matters In The Upcoming Year
May 9, 2023
Why does piano registration have such a huge impact on the upcoming year? Because the decisions you make before you…
Everything You Need To Organize Your Piano Recital
April 25, 2023
Recital prep. It's a busy time of year for everyone. Students learning songs. Parents doing their best to support practice.…
Get A Recital Song Mastered With 10 “Last Minute” Ideas
April 18, 2023
It's that time of year and many studios are working towards one goal. Making sure students have their recital song…
Best Strategy To Prepare Students For A Recital
April 11, 2023
Recital prep can be a stressful time for students and their families. The pressure to play things perfectly can lead…