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Rosemarie Penner
What Does Piano Practice Look and Sound Like During the Week
October 21, 2019
Very rarely does piano practice sound like playing from the beginning of the song to the end. And, honestly? Sometimes…
How Are Piano Lessons Different From Other Extracurricular Activities?
October 15, 2019
The options today for extracurricular activities can be overwhelming.andnbsp; Both for the child and well-meaning parents.andnbsp; So, what IS the…
How to Batch Your Way to the Good Life
October 7, 2019
Do you ever get the sense that your goals and the time to complete them aren't in alignment? How could…
Work Life Balance as a Piano Teacher and Studio Owner
March 15, 2019
It can sometimes feel overwhelming creating work life balance when there are so many roles and responsibilities in your life.…
Sharing Student Growth Plans With Non-Musical Parents In Your Studio
February 25, 2019
Maybe it's my training in working with neurodiverse and unique learners. Maybe, it has to do with teaching at private…
5 Biggest Challenges Teaching Preschoolers
February 14, 2019
Teaching preschoolers brings it owns joys and challenges. The hugs are a-mazing! And, the smiles are the best kind of…
Should We Let Students Make Mistakes … or Correct Everything?
July 13, 2018
This last week, I was watching my kids as they completed some of their daily tasks. And it got me…
Practice Challenge During Spring Break? Yes. Really.
March 24, 2017
We all know that practice tends to drop off during vacation times. Between family trips and a more relaxed home…
Teaching Precocious Preschoolers
February 17, 2017
With only so many teaching hours available, one of the groups that has been a blessing to add to my…