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- Many beginner piano players learn hand over hand arpeggios. But, how many sound amazing while playing them? If you have…
- Have you ever considered looking to music history for inspiration as you improvise? Get inspired by music from the Romantic…
- Baroque and Classical eras, at least when it comes to music can be seen as stuffy and old-fashioned. What may…
- While music does use math, thankfully music intervals don't have to be nearly as complicated. No formulas are needed. And,…
- Some intervals sound great. And, others need a little love before they are "so bad, it’s good”. The 7th intervals…
- Many of the intervals we play on the piano are easy to physically play. But, the 6th interval is the…
- Intervals are a shorthand way of describing notes on the piano or in sheet music. Rather than spending time explaining…
- With 88 keys on the piano it can quickly get confusing as you try to understand where you are in…
- Have you heard of “penting it out”? This approach lets you, a beginner piano student, create great sounding melodies on…
- As a beginner piano student, you may believe there are only two types of scales: Major and minor. But, there…