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Rosemarie Penner
Practice Made Fun – The Easy Way
September 17, 2021
Practice. It is a necessary part of learning any new skill. But, practice made fun? Really?
A Little Planning Goes a Long Way
June 15, 2021
Typically I like to start my summer "vacation" with a look at the big picture. After all, a little big…
How Music Theory and Improvisation Can Be Taught Together
April 21, 2021
Music theory and improvising. It's important to have both in our teaching. But, what is the best way to teach…
The Theory Behind Teaching Piano Using A ‘Sound Before Sight’ Approach
April 14, 2021
Whether it's Pestalozzi, Mason, Suzuki or Gordon the idea of teaching aurally before getting students to read goes back hundreds…
The Best Online Group Lesson Ideas For Music Studios
December 2, 2020
One of the biggest concerns, when a studio moves online, is, "How will I create community?" There can be a…
How To Plan a Multi-Level Group Lesson
October 13, 2020
Planning group lessons is a wonderful way to increase social engagement in your studio. Holding a multi-level group lesson may…
Exploration During Piano Lessons Makes For Better Lessons
March 10, 2020
Some people think piano lessons are about learning to read notes on a page. And, that is part of it.…
Explore Music As A Family To Create Life-long Memories
February 15, 2020
Sometimes parents think that piano lessons are something just their child does once a week. But, the truth is this…
How To Flip The Script If You Are Feeling Underappreciated By Your Clients
February 12, 2020
Feeling underappreciated by clients happens to the best of us. But, there are ways to turn this around.
Why Great Piano Teachers Value Professional Development
February 4, 2020
Did you know that many piano teachers pursue different types of professional development each year? It could online or in-person…