Struggling To Learn Piano?

Articles For Piano Students Or Hopeful Piano Players

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  • Is Learning Piano Online Effective?

    What is the one factor that makes learning piano online effective?  The simplest answer: the teacher. And while that's a basic answer, there are 3 ways that the teacher makes (or breaks) the online learning experience.

  • How Exploration During Piano Lessons Makes Stronger Musicians

    Some people think piano lessons are about learning to read notes on a page. And, that is part of it. But, it only covers a small portion of what lessons are really about. Exploration during piano lessons is an essential component to creating strong musicians. Regardless of whether they choose to pursue this professionally.

  • 5 Ways to Explore Music As A Family

    Sometimes parents think that piano lessons are something just their child does once a week. But, the truth is this can lead to so much more. When you explore music as a family you can create life-long memories!

  • Why Your Piano Teacher SHOULD Have Professional Development

    Did you know that many piano teachers pursue different types of professional development each year? It could online or in-person workshops throughout the year or multi-day conferences. Part of a being a master teacher is understanding this, "We never really stop learning."

  • The 2 pieces for setting up a piano practice routine that lasts.

    Whether you are coming back from a break or starting piano lessons for the first time, it's time to set up a regular piano practice routine. Any skill we put regular, consistent, thoughtful practice into leads to progress. And, the great part is ... it doesn't have to take hours of your day!Why Set Up…

  • 5 Tips For Going Back To Piano Lessons After The Holidays

    The kids have been out of school for a few weeks. And, extracurricular activities probably went on hiatus as well. So, how do you get ready for a new year of piano lessons?

  • Group Piano Lessons: What They're Like Before And During

    Oftentimes, we think of piano lessons as one student at the piano with a teacher sitting next to them. However, today's teachers have realized that group lessons meet unique needs for their students. The following is to help prepare you for group lessons that are held throughout the year in between private lessons.

  • What IS the best age to start piano lessons?

    The best age to start piano lessons depends on the child.andnbsp; Some teachers will say no earlier than 6 years old.andnbsp; And other teachers start as early as 3 years old.andnbsp; Who is right?

  • What Role Do Parents Play During Piano Lessons?

    Congratulations, you've become a piano parent!andnbsp; You may not be standing on the sidelines yelling, but you play just as much of a role in how successful your child will be in lesson.

  • 8 Life Lessons Learnt Through Music

    There is plenty of research that shows learning an instrument has long lasting neurological benefits. But, what about the life lessons that are learnt through music?As parents, we want to give our children the best life possible andamp; give them every advantage possible. This includes extra curricular activities like piano lessons. Especially when we read…


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