Book A Consultation

Balance for your life.  Creativity for your studio.  These are not just words.  They can be your reality!  A one-on-one consultation with Rosemarie could be just what helps you reach that dream.

Info And Fee:

While studio admin and creative teaching strategies may look different for each teacher, I can provide you with the method and action plan to make this easy and approachable!

Individual consultation sessions are $132 CAD for a 60-minute session via Zoom. If you choose to move into coaching sessions, there is a discount depending on the frequency of the sessions.

Our session is in Zoom so I can screen share and link to resources for you to maximize our time together!  I recommend adding this Zoom link to your online calendar so it is quick and easy to join our session.

How Your Consultation Works:

1.  Fill out the form below.

Please be specific as this helps me prepare for our time together!

2.  We set up a time to meet on Zoom.

My first reply will have the following info:

You will receive an emailed invoice that must be paid at least 24 hours before our session.

3.  We meet for your consultation!

During our session, I help you create a plan that helps solve your specific problem or concern.  I will also take comprehensive notes throughout.  With your permission, your session will be recorded.

Feel free to ask lots of questions during our session!  This is time is all about you and helping you solve a specific problem.

4.  Get your bonus resources.

I will send you a link to view the organized session notes with all the ideas, strategies, and links to resources as well as specific action steps mentioned in our session.  If you consent to a recording of our session, you will also receive a link to view the recording of our session.

Specialized Topics:

While I confidently teach and run my independent music studio, my areas of speciality are in these key areas:

Consultation Expectations:

During our sessions, you can expect a mentor approach.  I’ll ask guiding questions and listen carefully, then provide guidance and insight for you to solve your specific problem or concern.

If we work together for a longer period of time, you can also expect regular motivation, accountability and support as you work towards your ideal studio.

Consultation vs. Coaching

A consultation is a one-time meeting in which I help you with a specific problem.  Coaching is regular meetings as your mentor to help you with a bigger project or goal.

If we have never met before, we start with a consultation.  This ensures you can see what working with me is like.  But, it also allows you to get a quick win on that journey!  If you decide you would like to meet regularly, discounts are provided depending on the frequency we meet (10 – 25%).

Consultation Topic Examples:

There are many topics we can cover but with only 60-minutes having a specific problem or topic means you can get the most out of our session.  Some ideas are:

While it’s tempting to have several topics for our consultation, you won’t get full value.  Choose the one that is most important or critical and we can go from there.

When To Expect An Email

Please keep in mind that messages received during business hours Monday through Thursday morning will be responded to within 24 hours during business hours.  Messages received Friday afternoon or over the weekend will be responded to during business hours on Monday.

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