Presentation Schedule

Below is the presentation schedule with workshops I have presented to MTA groups like yours.   Each presentation focuses on taking a practical, realistic and interactive approach to ensure teachers have the time to begin applying ideas right during the session!

Please note that sessions are tailored to your group so use this list as inspiration.  I would love to work with your music teacher’s association!  If you have questions or would like to book an engagement, please contact me here.

2021 Presentation Schedule:

How to Cover “Everything” Each Lesson

MusicEdConnect, February 2021

It can feel impossible to cover “everything” each lesson.  How do we cover “everything” with limited time?

Learn how to guide students in making discoveries on their own, cover foundational music skills and still have time for fun in each lesson!

2020 Presentation Schedule:

Incorporating Technology Into Lessons … Even if You Aren’t Tech Savvy

MusicEdConnect, February 2020

Technology is all around us and it isn’t going anywhere.  Our students don’t get excited about tech.  They expect it because for the majority of them they have never known anything else.  So, how do we incorporate tech into lessons and our studios in a thoughtful and meaningful way?

Who Says You Need to Stay on the Bench?

MusicEdConnect, February 2020

We all know the best players are on the (piano) bench.  But, getting students off the bench has many wonderful benefits!  How do we stay pedagogically sound while getting off the bench?

Brain research shows that approaching new concepts in many ways deepens learning.  And we all have had students that wiggle on the bench.  Getting off the bench can be as active or relaxed as you or your student needs.  Get ready for a session sure to get you off your seat … and smiling as you learn!

Teaching Online Without Burnout

Piano Teachers Round Table, July 2020

Does online teaching have you feeling burnt out?  It doesn’t have to be this way.  There is hope that online teaching can be just as fulfilling as teaching in person.

In this workshop, Rosemarie will share tips that reduce prep time, increase student engagement and keep you healthy while teaching online.

Tech Tips That Save Time

Piano Teachers Round Table, July 2020

Technology should never be used for its own sake.  How do you know which tech will save you time?  And, which will be a big headache?

Learn how to choose the perfect tech tools and create systems that save time in your administrative tasks.

How to Compose During Online Lessons

Alberta Piano Teachers Association, September 2020

There is something special about creating music from scratch.  When students have the chance to do this during lesson time, it creates a bond with both teacher and music.  It also creates a powerful moment in performances when parents and loved ones realize what their student has created.

In this session, Rosemarie will share how she composes with students during online lessons and guides them to push themselves musically to take the creative risks necessary for great music.

2019 Presentation Schedule:

Makeup Lessons in Real Time

Alberta Piano Teachers Association, March 2019

Winter travel can be treacherous at times, whether for the travel teacher or clients traveling to a teacher’s studio.  And, makeup lessons take time out of everyone’s busy schedules.  What if you could do makeup lessons in real time using FaceTime and Skype?

NOTE: This session would be adapted to using current technology.

Who Says You Need to Stay on the Bench?

Alberta Piano Teachers Association, March 2019

We all know the best players are on the (piano) bench.  But, getting students off the bench has many wonderful benefits!  How do we stay pedagogically sound while getting off the bench?

Brain research shows that approaching new concepts in many ways deepens learning.  And we all have had students that wiggle on the bench.  Getting off the bench can be as active or relaxed as you or your student needs.  Get ready for a session sure to get you off your seat … and smiling as you learn!

When To Expect An Email

To see book a presentation, please click here.

Please keep in mind that messages received during business hours Monday through Thursday morning will be responded to within 24 hours during business hours.  Messages received Friday afternoon or over the weekend will be responded to during business hours on Monday.

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