Shop Terms Of Use

This document covers the Must Love Music shop terms of use.

The “Site” means and any websites that are linked to or from the Site and that we own or control.  “We” or “Company” means Must Love Music, or its owners, subsidiaries, agents and affiliates.

Please note that this Agreement may change from time to time.  We expect that most changes will be minor.  Any changes will be posted on this page. We encourage you to review this Agreement from time to time as you may or may not be notified.

“Material” means the products, services, resources, information, data, specifications, photographs, text, audio, video and other content displayed on the Site.

Note that the use of certain Material or the conduct of certain transactions on the Site could be subject to additional terms and conditions that we will make available to you prior to using such Material or completing such transactions. Please read the Site’s Privacy Policy for details on how your information is used.


By purchasing and downloading Materials from the Site, you agree to the following licencing terms depending on the type of Material you purchase. When you purchase any type of Materials from the Site, you are granted a personal and non-exclusive license to utilize the Material you purchased.

Unless stated otherwise, all digital products (including sheet music) on the Site have a studio licence. Single user licences are not offered at this time.

A shortened version of these copyright and licencing terms is included in each product found in the shop.  Please read through these carefully for each product you purchase to ensure you are following the copyright and licencing terms.

When these copyright and licensing terms are included on materials for students, please print them.  This educates your students and clients on what they may or may not do with the resources you have purchased for their use.

Artificial Intelligence Restrictions

All products purchased from our shop are subject to our AI Usage Policy, which prohibits using these materials to train artificial intelligence systems or create AI-generated content that mimics our work. The full AI Usage Policy can be found here. This prohibition applies in addition to the licence limitations described above.

Who Can Use Your Product Licence

This product is for use with your own students that you teach in real time as an individual teacher.

You may not share this licence with other teachers in the same studio or different studios. To use this in multiple classrooms/studios or with multiple teachers, please contact Rosemarie directly to purchase an additional license.

Returns And Refunds

Digital products purchased from the Site may not be returned but will be replaced upon reasonable request with a replacement copy in the event of purchaser’s loss of data or media failure. Because of the nature of digital products, we do not offer exchanges. No returns or refunds will be issued except in the case of duplicate purchases of products with identical SKUs. However, no returns or refunds, even in the case of duplicate purchases, will be issued after 90 days.

How To Share Products With Students

When a product is meant to be shared with students, the Material must always be securely shared.  To “securely share studio-licensed sheet music” or PDFs, you may share through studio management software, online storage (i.e. Google Drive or Dropbox) or a private login for students to a private areas on your studio website.

Students and clients are prohibited from sharing these files. Your licence means they can print for their own use, but not share. Emailing or any other electronic distribution to anyone who is not a student of the teacher is prohibited. Print shops may freely print music or a resource for you provided you show your email receipt when possible.

If you, your students or clients do not follow these terms of use or the specific copyright and licencing terms on a product, your licence may be revoked. By purchasing or using a product you agree to these terms. Your license will be terminated if you do not follow the terms of use.

Miscellaneous Shop Terms And Examples

Use the following list is an overview and shares examples of how Materials may be shared. However, you must use the specific copyright and licencing terms within each product.  Anything shared must be with your own students that you teach in real time as an individual teacher.

Additional bonuses may be included with a product you purchase.  Below are examples of what the terms of use might be.  Please ensure you read through the specific copyright and licencing terms for each product your purchase. This ensures you are following that product’s shop terms of use.

Audio Example

If an mp3 or series of mp3’s is included as a bonus with your product, you may use them during lesson time.  However, emailing those mp3’s is prohibited.  Each product will outline whether you may share the mp3’s and the licencing terms for how they may be shared.

Digital Escape Room Examples

When you purchase a digital escape room, you are directed to make your own copy of the digital escape room. This copy is saved within your Google Drive account. This ensures you can see how your students perform within the digital escape room.  You may not change images or remove any branding that may be within the product even after downloading a copy for your use.

You may securely share a link to your copy of the digital escape rooms you have purchased to your own students that you teach in real time as an individual teacher. Some options include placing the link on practice pages shared through studio management software or online storage (i.e. Google Drive or Dropbox), a private login for students where the digital escape room is embedded on a private page of your studio website or emailing the link to your copy of the digital escape room.

PDF Example

As a bonus, you may receive a student tracking sheet in PDF form.  You may securely share your studio-licensed student tracking sheet PDF to students to whom you are directly teaching.  This may be through studio management software, online storage (i.e. Google Drive or Dropbox) or a private login for students on your studio website. Students and clients are prohibited from sharing these files.  Your licence means they can print for their own use, but not share.  Emailing or any other electronic distribution to anyone who is not a student of the teacher is prohibited.  Print shops may freely print the resource for you provided you show your email receipt when possible.

Shop Terms Of Use Questions

If you have any questions regarding any of the terms of use outlined in this document, please contact Must Love Music.

This document was last updated on March 14, 2025.

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