Two Hearts, One Piano (Collection)

“Two Hearts, One Piano” creates special moments between partners through four engaging late elementary duets designed for piano and non-piano players.

Scroll down for videos and details!  All pieces include a studio licence!


“Two Hearts, One Piano” Collection Details:

  • Level: Late Elementary, Rote
  • Pages: 19 pages, 16 pages of music, cover included
  • Format: Instant PDF download
  • Studio Licence Bonus: Cover art, composer notes with mastery tips and “make it your own” suggestions

Experience the magic of “Two Hearts, One Piano,” a collection where piano players share music with non-playing partners. These four late elementary duets transform simple patterns into impressive pieces, creating beautiful moments of musical connection.

The “Two Hearts, One Piano” Collection Includes:

Flowing Brook: Late Elementary

Twilight Tango: Late Elementary

A Little Boogie: Late Elementary

Phantom Rising: Late Elementary

“Two Hearts, One Piano” Bonus:

All sheet music has original cover art.  “Two Hearts, One Piano” includes Composer Notes that include mastery tips and “make it your own” suggestions to develop an individual interpretation.

Other Similar Collections:

Round out your studio’s late-elementary level repertoire with the following collections designed to keep students engaged.

  • Scenes of Winter: Winter-themed soundscapes that are perfect for recitals.
  • The First Winter: Winter pieces for younger students or those that need a quick win piece.
  • Sam’s Life:  Love cats?  These story-based pieces bring a smile.

What Is a Studio Licence?

When you purchase the “Two Hearts, One Piano” collection you get a studio-licence PDF of the piece.  These piano pieces are sent digitally via an email receipt.  If you have a multi-teacher studio, please contact Rosemarie directly for additional licenses.  Thanks!

A studio licence is a great way to stretch your studio repertoire budget.  Purchase music once and use it for years (even decades) with students you directly teach!  For online teachers, if you share the piece during online lessons, students must print immediately and not retain an electronic copy.

For more information on your studio licence, check out the Terms and Conditions page.

When you purchase a collection of piano solos, everything (sheet music, piece descriptions and “Composer notes”) is placed in one PDF for easy access.  As a bonus, you also get each piece in the collection as a separate PDF for students who will only play one piece.

Should I Print All the PDF Pages?

Yes!  Each page is designed with the piano player in mind.

  • Cover art
  • Description, tips for pianist to make it their own, terms of use
  • Music
  • Music options to further inspire

Students love a bit of cover art.  It can help them get into the mood and story of a piece.  I’ve included ways to adapt or play with the music so students become part of the creative process.

The copyright and licensing terms are included to ensure you know the terms of your licence.  Your license means this product can be printed, but not shared.  However, if you are a piano teacher, check the “Shop Terms of Service” for user-specific ways you may use this product.

Lastly, having other pieces at a similar level can keep students excited about what the next song in their musical journey can be


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