Time Of Renewal

This peaceful, atonal piece explores 4th intervals.  “Time Of Renewal” comes with 2 levels (early elementary + early intermediate) and is designed to sound great with or without the included teacher duet and can be taught by rote or music.

For more savings, click here to get “The First Spring” collection for elementary level students or “Scenes Of Spring” collection for intermediate to early advanced students.

Studio Use Licence – All pieces come with a studio licence.  Buy once and use with your direct students for years to come!


Time Of Renewal Description:

  • Level: Early Elementary (rote), Early Intermediate (reading)
  • Mood: Peaceful
  • Pages: 5 pages, 2 pages of music, cover included
  • Format: Instant PDF download
  • Studio Licence Bonus: Cover art, composer notes with mastery tips and “make it your own” suggestions
  • Collections: Scenes Of Spring, The First Spring

“Time Of Renewal” is a peaceful, atonal piece that explores the dichotomy between 3 and 4.  Your students will play 4th intervals for the melody while hearing the ‘3’ in a triple meter.  This song is a wonderful option for “May The Fourth”!

Time Of Renewal Level:

“Time Of Renewal” is a duel-level piano solo.  When taught by rote (early elementary level), students focus on keyboard geography, crossing hand over hand and playing with a backing track or teacher. 

When taught through note reading (early intermediate), students also explore the feel of triplets in 3/4 time while also exploring greater keyboard movement using just one hand.  The pedal is held throughout this piece for both levels to create a dreamlike mood.

  • Mode: Atonal
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Early Elementary Concepts: keyboard geography, 4th intervals, crossing hand over hand
  • Early Intermediate Concepts: triplets, 2 ledger lines, extensions

NOTE: The early intermediate version works well as a teacher copy of the duet.

Time Of Renewal Bonus:

All sheet music comes with original cover art.  Each level of “Time Of Renewal” also comes with “make it your own” suggestions for students to experiment with developing their own voice.

More About “The First Spring” Collection:

“Time Of Renewal” is part of “The First Spring” collection that is designed for beginner students of various ages.  Pieces are a mix of rote and level-appropriate note-reading at the elementary pieces (in one case, when taught by rote). 

These pieces explore a variety of concepts and several of the pieces are showstoppers for Spring recitals letting beginners of all ages feel like their pieces compare to much more advanced students.

Pieces found in “The First Spring collection are:

  • Jake Meets The Jack Rabbit: Elementary level piece about an unlikely (possible) friendship.
  • The Rabbit In The Garden: Early elementary piece in 2/4 that mimics a cute rabbit in the garden.
  • Time Of Renewal: Early elementary rote piece that explores 4th intervals.  Fantastic as an impressive duet recital piece for this level.
  • Puppy In The Park: A playful early elementary rote or elementary reading adventure for your beginner piano students that helps them recognize patterns.

More About the “Scenes Of Spring” Collection:

“Time Of Renewal” is also a great companion to the “Scenes Of Spring” collection that is designed for intermediate students of various ages.  Music in this collection focuses on creating a picture, moment, or mood.  With the exception of “Time Of Renewal” (a quick win piece), these are all great level-appropriate Spring recital pieces that are sure to be a hit with students and the audience alike.

Pieces found in the “Scenes Of Spring” collection are:

  • The Gnome’s Starlit Dance: Late intermediate/early advanced level piece with Latin elements.
  • Waltz Under The Stars: Intermediate level piece for students that love flowing, dance-like music.
  • The Grand Entrance: Early intermediate piece that lends a celebratory feel to recitals.
  • Light Dancing In The Dark: Late intermediate piece with a cinematic feel.
  • Time Of Renewal: Early intermediate piece that explores 4th intervals.  Great as a seasonal ‘quick win’ or concept review piece for this level.

What is a studio licence?

When you purchase “Time Of Renewal” you get a studio-licence PDF of the piece.  This piece is sent digitally via an email receipt.  If you have a multi-teacher studio, please contact Rosemarie directly for additional licences.  Thanks!

A studio licence is a great way to stretch your studio repertoire budget.  Purchase music once and use it for years (even decades) with students you directly teach!  For online teachers, if you share the piece during online lessons, students must print immediately and not retain an electronic copy of the piece.

For more information on your studio licence, check out the Terms and Conditions page.

When you purchase a collection of piano solos, everything (sheet music, piece descriptions and “Composer notes”) is placed in one PDF for easy access.  As a bonus, you also get each piece in the collection as a separate PDF for students who will only play one piece.

Should I Print All the PDF Pages?

Yes!  Each page is designed with the piano player in mind.

  • Cover art
  • Music
  • Description, composer notes/tips for pianist to make it their own, terms of use

Students love a bit of cover art.  It can help them get into the mood and story of a piece.  I’ve included ways to adapt or play with the music so students become part of the creative process.

The copyright and licensing terms are included to ensure you know the terms of your licence.  Your license means this product can be printed, but not shared.  However, if you are a piano teacher, check the “Shop Terms of Service” for user-specific ways you may use this product.

Students love a bit of cover art.  It can help them get into the mood and story of a piece.  I’ve included ways to adapt or play with the music so students become part of the creative process.

The copyright and licensing terms are included to ensure you know the terms of your licence.  Your license means this product can be printed, but not shared.  However, if you are a piano teacher, check the “Shop Terms of Service” for user-specific ways you may use this product.


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