Travel Through Time: Romantic Era Digital Escape Rooms

“Travel Through Time – Romantic Era” explores the incredible music and musicians in this series of 9 digital escape rooms. These are fantastic for your in-person, online or group lessons!

Studio Use License – All digital escape rooms come with a studio license.  Buy once, download a copy and use it with your direct students for years to come!


Travel Through Time – Romantic Era Description:

  • Level: multi-level
  • Contents: 9 digital escape rooms + student tracking sheet
    • George Bizet: 2 podcasts + 3 questions
    • Johannes Brahms: 2 podcasts + 3 questions
    • Frédéric Chopin: 1 podcasts + 4 questions
    • Dynamics: 5 questions
    • Romantic Era Overview: 6 questions
    • Piano – Instrument Highlight: 9 questions
    • Franz Schubert: 2 podcasts + 3 questions
    • Robert Schumann: 2 podcasts + 3 questions
    • About Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: 2 podcasts + 3 questions
  • Format: Instant PDF with links.
  • Studio License Bonus: Student tracking sheet for each digital escape room.
  • Collections: Travel Through Time

“Travel Through Time” in the “Romantic Era” in this series of 9 digital escape rooms. Students will love exploring the incredible music while reviewing musical terms and concepts with these interactive, self-marking games!  These are fantastic for your in-person, online or group lessons, as well as holiday or homeschooling activities.

Travel Through Time – Romantic Era Level:

As an interactive series of 9 digital escape rooms, “Travel Through Time – Romantic Era” is fantastic for your entire studio.  Make group lessons or piano party planning a breeze when planning around these digital escape rooms!  Students can work in teams to answer the question.  Ask for more details to differentiate each question for each student!

Travel Through Time – Romantic Era Concepts:

Explore the range of ‘Travel Through Time – Romantic Era’ music in this series of digital escape rooms! Your elementary to intermediate level students will listen to themed music as they unlock the clues to each escape room.

Students will review concepts such as:

  • Composer highlights
  • Instrument spotlights
  • Dynamics: what they are and how they are used

Be sure to read the biography included at the beginning of each digital escape room to get a glimpse into the interesting lives of each musician!

Travel Through Time – Romantic Era Bonus:

Included with “Travel Through Time – Romantic Era” digital escape rooms are student tracking sheets for each series!  Students can choose which interests them the most or work through these during lab time.

When using these for lab time, teachers are encouraged to add hyperlinks to their copy of each digital escape room to make these highly interactive for students.

Students can use these tracking sheets digitally or print them off.  If shared digitally, students are not allowed to share them with anyone.

More About “Travel Through Time” Digital Escape Rooms:

“Travel Through Time – Romantic Era” is part of the “Travel Through Time” collection that is fantastic for elementary to intermediate students.  This series takes students through the Renaissance to the 21st Century and highlights the main composers, instruments and musical concepts from each era.

The digital escape room sets found in the “Travel Through Time” collection are:

Other Similar Collections:

To round out your studio’s seasonal digital escape rooms, consider the following collections that are designed for elementary to intermediate students.  These digital escape rooms focus on celebrating holidays without sacrificing musical learning.

  • Happy Halloween!: Halloween-themed music that gets students laughing and smiling.
  • Jazzed About Spring: Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month (April) with 8 incredible jazz musicians.

What is a studio license?

When you purchase “Travel Through Time – Romantic Era” you get a studio-license PDF of the digital escape room.  A PDF with links to each digital escape room is sent digitally via an email receipt.  Press the links to make your own copy of each digital escape room in your Google Drive.

You will need a program to open zip files and a Google Drive to use these digital escape rooms.

If you have a multi-teacher studio, please contact Rosemarie directly for additional licenses. Thanks!

A studio license is a great way to stretch your studio budget.  Purchase these digital escape rooms once and use them for years (even decades) with students you directly teach!  When these are updated, you will get free access when you sign up for a free account.

For online teachers, if you share student tracking sheets during online lessons, students must print immediately and not retain an electronic copy of the piece.

For more information on your studio license, check out the Terms and Conditions page.

What is a digital escape room?

A digital escape room is a fantastic way to cover music appreciation and theory in a fun, interactive way!  These are great for:

  • Private lessons: With students or during lab/off-the-bench time.
  • Group lessons: Work as a team to answer questions.
  • Online lessons: Any platform that allows you to share your screen works well.
  • Holidays/Vacations: Complete a few of these in between the fun of vacation!
  • Homeschooling:  A great way to supplement music education.

Students listen, watch, or read material and then answer questions.  Answer the question correctly and get a clue.  Answer incorrectly and you are gently encouraged to try again.  Gather clues and use them to answer the final question.

ALL marking is done for the teacher so this truly is a download-and-use resource for your studio!

See how to use digital escape rooms in your studio here.


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