Student Led Conference: Planning Worksheet

1 customer review

Save admin time while guiding students to share their progress with these “Student Led Conference Worksheet”.  Both PDF and bonus Google Slides included!

Studio Use Licence – All lesson resources come with a studio licence.  Buy once, download a copy and use it with your direct students for years to come!


Student Led Conference Worksheets Description:

  • Level: Multi-level
  • Pages: 2 pages (PDF) + 1 page (Google Slide FAQ + link)
  • Format: PDF worksheet, PDF with link to make a copy of the Google Slides (with included text boxes)
  • Studio Licence Bonus: Google Slide version of this worksheet

Student led conferences are the best tool to keep parents informed about their child’s progress because students take ownership of their learning and you make the most of your admin time!  These student led conference worksheets will take the guesswork out of planning for both you and your students!

Student Led Conference Worksheets Level:

Student Led Conference Worksheets are for young through to teen students in your studio that participate in student led conferences.  Rather than write reports that parents struggle to understand, show what students are learning!

Both a PDF and link to Google Slides are included.  The Google Slides are fantastic for online lessons or students that struggle to write, but are able to type.

Student Led Conference Worksheets Bonus:

Included with Student Led Conference Worksheets is a PDF with a link to create your own copy of a Google Slides version of this worksheet.

If you digitally share either version (PDF or Google Slide) with your students, they can use them but not share them.

Other Resources Like Student Led Conference Worksheets:

To build out your studio’s multi-level lesson resources, consider getting the following resources to help students while reducing your admin time.

What is a studio licence?

When you purchase “Student Led Conference Worksheets” you get a studio-licence PDF of the activity.  The zip file (PDF student copy and PDF with link to the bonus Google Slides) is sent digitally via an email receipt.

You will need a program to open zip files and a Google Drive to use these student led conference worksheets.

If you have a multi-teacher studio, please contact Rosemarie directly for additional licences. Thanks!

A studio licence is a great way to stretch your studio budget.  Purchase these lesson resources once and use them for years (even decades) with students you directly teach!  When these are updated, you will get access to these for free.

For online teachers, if you share lesson resources during online lessons, students must print immediately and not retain an electronic copy of the piece.

For more information on your studio licence, check out the Terms and Conditions page.

What is a “Student Led Conference Worksheet”?

A “Student Led Conference Worksheet” is a fantastic way to help your students articulate what they have learnt in your studio!  These are great for:

  • Private lessons: Spend a few minutes during lesson planning.
  • Group lessons: Give a few options that students can use, then guide students or have them work in teams to fill in the activities.
  • Online lessons: Screen share during lesson while planning.

For your students, the hardest part about a student-led conference is figuring out how to share what they’ve learnt.  Each part of these worksheets guides your student step-by-step.  These include figuring out the simplest explanation, activities to demonstrate plus practice and which objects are needed.

Say goodbye to spending hours on reports and get all progress reporting done during lesson time!Find out what student led conferences are and why they work so well in the music studio here.

  1. Amy Chaplin (verified owner)

    It was such a relief off my shoulders, knowing I at least had a starting point on how to organize these with my students. Thanks to Rosemarie’s experience, she has provided great talking points to help both students and teachers through the planning process.

    • Rosemarie Penner

      Amy, thank you for leaving a review. I’m so glad these are working out for you and your students!
      Would you tag @mustlovemusicpianostudio on socials if you share an photos or videos from your Student Led Conferences? It’s always amazing seeing parents and kids connect through music.

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