It might be cold outside, but the right playlist (including during teaching time) makes all the difference. While I like Christmas music as much as the next person, the playlist can get a bit … repetitive. Below are some Winter-themed music that students love to play. And, teachers love hearing during lessons!
Winter-Themed Music for Everyone
These pieces are for:
- Students that don’t celebrate Christmas, but still want pieces that fit the season.
- Teachers who want a break from “Jingle Bells” and the typical Christmas canon.
I’m all for the Christmas canon and love a good Spotify playlist to bring in the season. But, hearing the same few songs over and over (regardless of the season) is enough to make any teacher start watching the lesson clock.
Whether you have students that do better with rote learning through to early advanced students, here are some options to celebrate all things Winter!
Click on the image or title to hear and see each song.
Rote and Reading Pieces
Beginning students of all ages should have music that sounds interesting, sophisticated & much harder than it is to play! “First Snow” and “The Blizzard” were both written for students who wanted to play Winter-themed music but not feel like beginner pieces. “Northern Lights” works well for students that have a great ear, but need a little more practice reading notes.

Storytelling pieces
Some students love bringing a story to life, whether their own or someone else’s. “Jake’s Fishing Adventure” is perfect for the dog lover in your studio. “Snowflake & Rex’s Cookie Caper” is perfect for the student that loves to bring that extra fun to a performance. “Tracks In The Snow” brings the playful, and sometimes eerie, mood of Wintertime in the forest.

The Snow Fairies Saga
The Snow Fairies saga started with a lullaby and continues to grow. For students that love the different facets of snow fairies, this Winter-themed music collection is perfect. Enjoy the reflective, peaceful mood of “Lullaby of the Snow Fairies“. Create a melancholy dance in “Last Dance Of The Snow Fairies“. Or, create a little piano LoFi with “Snow Fairies Under The Moonlight“. These pieces are perfect for early intermediate to early advanced students (or teachers).

Pieces late teen & adults love
For late intermediate to early advanced students, it’s important to have Winter-themed music that showcase the depth of experience they have. “Winter At The Cabin” is about the lifelong memories created with family and is wonderful for students that love to hear their fingers flow over the keys. The whimsical mood of “The Gnome’s Starlit Dance” is created by Latin accompaniment patterns with a Phrygian mode and is perfect for recital time.

Favourite Winter-themed music
I’ve always loved feeling happy about hearing so many different songs as I teach. It’s been a great way to feel like each season is fresh and interesting. My students love practicing these songs which makes everyone’s life easier.
And, I had to smile when a teacher shared how her student playing “Lullaby of the Snow Fairies” during lesson always dropped her shoulders and made her so relaxed. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have each lesson have such an incredible result?
If you would like to build your Winter-themed studio repertoire, be sure to check out the pieces above!
What is your favourite song from above?
Let me know in the comments below.